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Exercise for Mental Health Patients

Psychesoma News

Psychesoma works with clients who have mental health and learning difficulties. Our specialist physical trainers are skilled and experienced.
Video based training
In the current Covid-19 situation, most of our clients locked down in March.  Psychesoma has successfuly developed and implimented video-based training on Skype, Teams, FaceTime and Zoom.  We have been delighted at how successful the training is when delivered Virtually.  Call us to learn more!
Feedback from clients
We get some inspring comments from our clients.  "You don't treat me like a patient", "You're the best therapy I get"
"That's the most active that I have ever seen them"  from a key member of the care team
Our 10th Site
We are delighted to say that we are now working at ten sites, providing physical activity as part of the integrated care regimes.  The results and feedback we are getting with clients and family members are inspiring.
New joiners
We are delighted to welcome two new trainers to the Psychesoma team.  After completing their induction and training over the next few weeks, Sam and Cassie will be working with clients at a number of sites.