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Exercise for Mental Health Patients

Genuine Case studies

A is a client with paranoid schizophrenia.
Psychesoma started work with him on a secure ward in 2014 and has continued to work with him through his progression to a supported living facility on his recovery pathway to a stable lifestyle and independent living.  Psychesoma has worked closely with the healthcare teams to improve his fitness and mood states. Despite the psychotropic drugs that he takes, he has achieved a 21kg weight loss.  His mood state has improved sufficiently to allow a reduction in drug therapy.  He now feels a sense of real achievement and an improved sense of social involvement, and he is living independently in the community.

“Exercising and working with Psychesoma helps me cope with my paranoia.  I look forward to sessions very much, my mood improves, and they set me up for the day. I feel less tired; I feel well and my body is much healthier.”
B is autistic,
has ADHD, epilepsy, depression and mild learning difficulties.  She entered the residential setting following the death of her mother.  Psychesoma’s sessions focus on motivation and building her confidence levels.  Over the last two years she has lost weight, reduced medication for depression, come off medication for ADHD and successfully completed the Race for Life, raising sponsorship money in memory of her mother.  She is now living independently in the community.

"Psychesoma helps with my self-confidence and being open.  It is great talking to someone else other than the staff.  It helps me make the right decisions and learn new skills.  It’s good fun and makes me feel good and positive about my weight."
C is bipolar,
has schizophrenia and mild Asperger Syndrome.  He finds it hard to express emotions.  Psychesoma conducts tailored one-to-one sessions with GA, listening to his concerns and providing feedback to the care team.  Psychesoma provided additional emotional support whist his mother was in hospital.  The sessions have improved his mental wellbeing, leading to fewer complaints about his behaviour.

“I enjoy my exercise sessions with Psychesoma as exercise is good for you and it helps keep me fit.  I would feel upset without our sessions.”
D has learning difficulties,
dyspraxia, cerebellar ataxia, and uses a frame around the house and a wheelchair when outside.  She has asthma and depression, for which she takes medication.  She feared falling over and thus limited her attempts at self-mobility.  Psychesoma’s evidence-based programme of rehabilitation is focused on increasing socialisation and improving her balance and coordination.  D has been responding and engaging well in group fitness sessions, showing greater confidence, enjoying herself and vocalising that enjoyment.  She continues to take encouragement and to increase her interaction with her house mates and to join in activities.  Psychesoma has received positive feedback from the care team and her relatives regarding her levels of social interaction and her gross motor skills.